Portfolio Categories Social
Niccolò Bruna, filmmaker with a cause, daydreamer and indie producer
"Niccolò Bruna", filmmaker, filmmaker, director, "video production", documentary, documental, regista, video, Barcelona, "Ready.Barcelona". ENG
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Namibia. Flora and the Nama kids are striving to make their own life within a violent environment. Under a continuous risk of abuse and deprivation, they learn quickly how to grow and remain attached to their only hope, the school....

MESSAGE FROM A BOTTLE   The raising environmental awareness in Ethiopia ITALY, ETHIOPIA/ 2019 / 24 MIN     “Some youths who are sitting idle and ridiculed us. We are all graduated from university. We don’t care about their insults; rather we keep on doing our jobs.” Adissu, plastic collector   With the...

It Will Be Chaos follows an Eritrean who survived the tragic shipwreck in Lampedusa in 2013 and a Syrian family stuck in Izmir, heading for the Balkan corridor. Two stories about people belonging to different classes and countries but sharing a common goal: reaching Europe,...

PEQUEÑAS MENTIRAS PIADOSAS THE TRAVEL AGENT CUBA, SPAIN, ITALY / 2015 / 56  and 87 MIN   “I quench the thirst of others every day, yet there is not a drop of water for me”   With Lourdes Gonzales Rosabal, Enit Abreu Gomez, Mercedes   From her tiny office overlooking the U.S. Interests...

A CLOSED MOUTH CATCHES NO FLIES LE RAGAZZE DI WUCHALE   ITALY, ETHIOPIA / 2015 / 16 and 26 MIN   “Ethiopia as an origin country for persons subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking. According to the 2013 Global Slavery Index, there are currently 651,110 Ethiopians in modern slavery...

CITY VEINS IL FUTURO DEL MONDO PASSA DA QUI ITALY / 2010 / 63 MIN   “A no man’s land. A European suburb. A crossroad for stories”   With Roky, Gerardo, Antonio, Reno, Frida, Darius, Jasmina   On an autumn day I took a photograph from a bridge in the outskirts of my city. A...

MY NIGERIAN SISTERS   When brotherhood leads to empowerment   ITALY, NIGERIA/ 2005 / 33 MIN   “Women's resilience is the active engine of the world. With this film I've tried to return to the public the dignity that these girls deserve beyond the contingency of their situation."   Rita, Rosemary and Joy are forced...

HOMEWARD VERSO CASA ITALY, MOROCCO, NIGERIA, ALBANIA / 2005 / 60' MIN               “Get back home has a price that I think you could hardly imagine from your comfortable home in Europe”   With the participation of Edmond, Khalid, Rita, Faith, Becky, Rachid, Mohammed and Alina   What are the consequences of being expelled...