The documentary is set in Ambassel province, northern Ethiopia. Here the fate of the women of Wuchale is bound by ancient customs under which women are expected to silently submit to men’s authority. As the proverb says, “A closed mouth catches no flies”. Silence is the rule. But today’s young women want to break the rule and talk. The luckier ones, like Tirongu, manage to get an education; the others migrate to Arab countries to escape the hardships of their homeland.
From Ethiopia most of the girls who want to change their destiny are forced to migrate, often ending in the vicious circle of human trafficking and slavery. The only positive alternative is school access. Cifa Onlus works to provide this lucky chance to the girls of Wuchale.
Il destino delle donne di Wuchale, nord Etiopia, è segnato dai vincoli della tradizione e dalla millenaria gregarietà rispetto all’uomo. “La mosca non entra nella bocca di chi sta zitto”: tacere è la regola. Ma le ragazze di oggi vogliono voltare pagina e si confidano. Le più fortunate come Tirongu riusciranno a studiare, mentre per le altre non rimane che emigrare verso i paesi arabi per sottrarsi ad una vita di stenti.
Niccolò Bruna
Produced by Marco Pastori – Cifa (Italy)
Screenplay by Alessandro Gilioli and Niccolò Bruna
Niccolò Bruna
Niccolò Bruna
Gétatchèw Mèkurya