Portfolio Tags Italy
Niccolò Bruna, filmmaker with a cause, daydreamer and indie producer
"Niccolò Bruna", filmmaker, filmmaker, director, "video production", documentary, documental, regista, video, Barcelona, "Ready.Barcelona". ENG
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It Will Be Chaos follows an Eritrean who survived the tragic shipwreck in Lampedusa in 2013 and a Syrian family stuck in Izmir, heading for the Balkan corridor. Two stories about people belonging to different classes and countries but sharing a common goal: reaching Europe,...

THE LAST VICTORY DE LAATSTE OVERWINNING NETHERLANDS / 2003 / 88 and 58 MIN       “The camera team was awarded unusually privileged access, and there’s plenty of nail biting all around in this handsomely made production” Variety         A sensitive documentary film about the passionate struggle of an Italian community in Siena...