Portfolio Tags HUI HE
Niccolò Bruna, filmmaker with a cause, daydreamer and indie producer
"Niccolò Bruna", filmmaker, filmmaker, director, "video production", documentary, documental, regista, video, Barcelona, "Ready.Barcelona". ENG
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The Chinese soprano Hui He breaks down the barriers of time and culture in the world's greatest opera houses. Now a star, she returns to her hometown of Xi'an to transmit her passion to the next generation and to confront the ghosts of her past....

MAGICARENA Opera as you have never seen before ITALY / 2014 / 90 MIN   “Skilfully balanced between on-stage and off-stage, private life and public exhibition, and between sacred representation and profane entertainment, MAGICARENA reveals the Opera secrets, as you have never seen before.”   After 2000 years of history, the...